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Badges of justice redemption in France

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Badges of justice redemption in France Empty Badges of justice redemption in France

Post  Sirstaga Wed Jul 21, 2010 8:53 am

Hello everyone !

I have a few old badges of justice and I would like to know where I should them to trade them for the badges cards.

Well that is in France, or should I send them to the US and in that case what sort of stamps should I include with my order (international stamp coupon or that type of things ...)

Thank you for your awesome job and the fantastic job at the european continentals



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Join date : 2010-07-21

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Badges of justice redemption in France Empty Re: Badges of justice redemption in France

Post  Roshen Wed Jul 21, 2010 11:30 am


At this time, the only official location for mail-in Crafting Redemption is the address advertised in the blog here:

We prefer correct US postage on your Self Addressed Stamped Envelope, and this results in the least turnaround time in getting these back to you. There are many locations globally that sell US postage.

If you chose to go with an international postal coupon, please understand that this is only good for a flat envelope (not a padded parcel) and only accepted if it has a stamp from your country's post office. To see the difference between a stamped and an unstamped International Postal Coupon see my post here:

We hope this information is helpful, and if you have any additional questions or concerns please don't hesitate to contact us. If you have specific questions about Crafting Redemption you'd prefer not to discuss on the forums, feel free to email
CZE Employee

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Join date : 2010-03-31

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